Let Me Tell You More—

Today—during these last weeks of summer—I’m finally starting a new series of blogs about some of the books and authors Karen Latimer and I chose to include in our Make Way for Reading: Great Books for Kindergarten Through Grade 8.  My intention is to do this weekly, but I may be inspired and write this more often.

As expected, Karen and I discovered all sorts of marvelous titles—separately and together—as we developed the book. Not only did we review our own personal lists we’d been maintaining for years along with lists from schools, libraries, and the suggestions readers sent me after I published Waldorf Student Reading List, but also we visited bookstores and talked with librarians. Being a publisher already, I also attended many book trade shows—local, regional and national—meeting other publishers (some micro-independents and others mega-size) along with authors and illustrators.

Karen and I both delighted in discovering a book “by chance” — via some serendipitous route. These often became some of the “gems” in our lists.  However, writing concise annotations often proved challenging. Sometimes each of us had a personal connection to a title and had to fight that all-too-frequent pull to tell the reader more than our book project’s space allowed.

However, now that Make Way for Reading is out in the world and being used and enjoyed by many families, teachers, librarians, etc., this blog and the Michaelmas Press Facebook page gives us a chance to follow up and share with our readers some of what radio commentator Paul Harvey always called “the rest of the story”—

Look for the first installment tonight—

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